Monday, December 20, 2010

Rating System

Hey everyone! In this post I would like to discuss the rating system that I will be using to rate the books. To rate my books I will be using a five-star system. For each book that I review, I will look at the plot, the characters, the creativity, the aesthetics, and the mesage. Each will get a grade, from one to five stars, that will comprise twenty percent of the final grade. Five stars will mean that the book is amazing and that there were no flaws in any of the five subcategories. Four stars will mean that the book is really good but had something missing from it that kept it from being a five. While it isn't my favorite book, it is still a book that I enjoyed. Three stars will mean that the book is good but that it is lacking in more than one subcategory. Two stars will mean that the book is okay but not something that I would read again or that I would rush out to buy. One star will mean that the book was not good. It was either poorly developed or poorly written. If a book gets three or more stars, I would recommend you to buy it. Anything less, one or two stars, is not recommended. Hopefully this makes sense to you guys! I've had finals for the last two weeks so my brain is beyond fried.
If you have any book suggestions, send me a message or leave a comment.
xoxo Theresa
The Book Nook

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