Monday, November 28, 2011

2011 Reading Challenges- Update and Progress

For 2011, I challenged myself to seven reading challenges. Below I will list the challenge and my progress so far.
  1. 50 Books in 2011- This challenge is complete as of September 2011! I managed to read 50 books. I'm not stopping yet, though. I am going to continue reading to see how many I can read.                                                                                                                                 
  2. Debut Author Challenge (12)- This challenge is not complete. In fact, I haven't been keeping up with this one all that well. I know that I've read at least 2 debut novels possibly more.
  3. To Be Read Challenge (4)- This challenge is complete. My four TBR books were: The Sweer Far Thing, Pretties, Uglies, and The Lightening Thief.
  4. Classics Challenge (5)- This challenge is not complete. I have read one book and started one.
  5. Shakespeare Challenge (6)- This challenge is not complete. I have read no books toward it.
  6. Dystopian Challenge (15)- This challenge is almost complete. I have read 14 of the 15 books toward it. My reviews of them may be found by searching for the label Dystopian or 2011 Reading Challenge.
  7. Sequel Challenge (6)- This challenge is complete. Toward it I read: The Uglies series (4), the Gemma Doyle Trilogy (2), the Percy Jackson series (5), The Hunger Games (3), Harry Potter (7).
Overall, I completed four of my seven challenges. With the end of the year closing in quickly and the increasing pressure of school and work I don't anticipate finishing the other challenges completely. 

Look out in the next few days for my post on the 2012 reading challenges. I don't think that I will be quite as ambitious in the number I join but I would like to try for 100 books in 2012.

The Book Nook

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