Monday, January 20, 2014

2014 Reading Resolutions and Direction

Greetings Internet!

2013 proved to be an eventful year for me and among the many life changes (I graduated from college in May and married in August, just to name a couple), there was less (but some) reading going on at the Book Nook. I'm back, again, and I have some resolutions that I'm hoping to keep up in 2014.

1. Blog! And regularly. I've devised a blogging schedule that is low impact to start. I'm hoping that minimal commitment will enable me to keep to a regular posting schedule that is small but consistent. I'm never absent from the blogging world, but I'm easily overwhelmed in life and blogging is the first of the things that is neglected. My schedule is a Tuesday/Thursday post every week with fun days on the weekend. Tuesdays will always include a tag (Top Ten Tuesday, which I loved doing in the past) and potentially a haul or review. Thursday will always be either a review or reflection on a book. On the weekends, I'm hoping to blog posts that complement my YouTube channel videos. This will fall in several categories but most common will be the "Things from Books," a spin on the Vlogbrothers "Thoughts from Places." It will be a place where I share the things I find in books, whether they be physical remains left from previous owners, thoughts, quotes, or anything else from a book. It's been an idea living in my brain for a while and I'm finally in a place where I can implement it.

2. Read! This should probably be first in the scheme of resolutions. In 2013, I really let reading fall to the side so that I could focus on major projects in my life. This allowed me to accomplish all of the things I needed but also took one of the main sources of my enjoyment. I'm proposing a reading challenge of 50 books for myself. The challenge is not going to be enforced strictly as I kind of need to work myself back into the scene. I'd like a portion of these books to come crossover with the Sequels and Series portion of the blog. I really need to clear some series off of my shelf. So, here's to lots of reading in 2014.

3. Donate! I have managed to amass an astonishing number of books in the three and a half years that I have lived in my own home. While I'm not planning on donating all of the books, the Great Purge of 2014 is in full swing. Many of the books have been given to me or are from a inheritance following the death of my grandmom. As a result, they are not my particular style, genre, type of book and I'm in a space where I'm comfortable enough to pass them along to other readers. I will be donating them to three book charities: Books for Africa, Books for Soldiers, and Books through Bars. Whatever is not acceptable at these will be donated to the library or a local not-for-profit thrift store.

Those are my main reading/book resolutions. Be sure to check me out on YouTube, too!

Happy reading,
xoxo The Book Nook